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1) Jesus was Born in the Same Village as King David.

Jesus’ birthplace fulfills Old Testament prophecy. Bethlehem, a least popular city, is identified as the birthplace of David in the Hebrew Bible and the birthplace of Jesus of Nazareth in the New Testament. Isaiah. 9:7

King David was after God’s heart. Jesus is from the direct lineage of David and was born from the heart of God.

2) The Birth of Jesus Ruined Joseph’s Reputation.

Can you imagine the barbershop talk? Joseph was no longer called by name but rather “the carpenter,” Matthew 13:55. Joseph could have had Mary killed (Lev. 20:10) and thought to quietly divorce her until the angel appears to explain Jesus’ true identity (Matthew 1:18-25).

Joseph still marries Mary though his reputation was tarnished, how great a faith in God. A man’s faith for his family will override his need for community approval. What a man! Choose God’s acceptance over man’s approval.

3) Jesus’ Birth Came after 400 Years of Silence from God.

Imagine living in a home with someone who will not speak a word to you for 40 days, or even four. Well, God was silent for 400 years, until the birth of Jesus. During the 400-year period (between Malachi and Matthew), nations overtook Israel. Israel has successful rebellions (Maccabean revolt), etc. By the time Jesus arrives, Rome was in charge, which explains why the Israelites wanted a warring Savior. They wanted Rome toppled. God’s plans was for the world to be reconciled to himself.

When there is prophecy, God always has a plan that is working, even behind the scenes. Do not let the silence fool you, God manifests His plans loud and clear. Stand by!

4) Jesus Was Probably Not Born in December.

So why do we celebrate Christmas in December? In the fourth century 336AD, Emperor Constantine established the winter solstice. For a wholesome alternative, Christians would often hold holidays during the same times as pagan festivals.
In this case, Christmas occurred during the winter solstice, which is December 25. Studies show Jesus was not actually born in December and may not have been born in winter at all.

Bottom line is, He may not have been born on December 25th, but He was born!

It is likely that Jesus was born in spring. Luke 2 mentions the shepherds abiding in their fields. During springtime, sheep gave birth to lambs, which is also why they would stay out at night, in case a night birth occurred. (Note: Since shepherds did stay out in the fields year-round, we cannot say for sure exactly when Jesus’ birth happened.)

IN SUMMARY, Christ, our savior is born. Jesus’ birth is nothing short of a miracle. His birth fulfilled numerous prophecies. No matter how many years we hear the story, we can learn something new every time.

CHRISTmas #ASaviorIsBorn #MerryChristmas